2.4.5 Elastic Capacity on-Demand (Temporary)

With the Elastic CoD offering, you can temporarily activate and deactivate processor cores and memory units to help meet the demands of business peaks, such as seasonal activity, period-end, or special promotions. When you order an Elastic CoD feature, you receive an enablement code that allows a system uses to make requests for more processor and memory capacity in increments of one processor day or 1 GB memory day. The system monitors the amount and duration of the activations. With Power E1080 server, only the prepaid Elastic Capacity on-Demand option is available with feature code 4586-COD in econfig or directly from ESS.

Processors and memory can be activated and turned off an unlimited number of times when more resources are needed.

This offering provides a system administrator an interface at the HMC to manage the activation and deactivation of resources. Before temporary capacity is used on your server, you must enable your server. To enable your server, an enablement feature (MES only) must be ordered and the required contracts must be in place. The 90-day enablement feature is not available for the Power E1080 processors.

80   IBM Power E1080: Technical Overview and Introduction

For more information about enablement and usage of Elastic CoD, see Power Systems Capacity on Demand.

2.4.6 IBM Power Enterprise Pools 1.0 and Mobile Capacity on-Demand

Although static activations are valid for a single system, some customers might benefit from moving processor and memory activations to different servers because of workload rebalance or disaster recovery.

IBM Power Enterprise Pools 1.0 is a technology for dynamically sharing processor and memory activations among a group (or pool) of IBM Power Systems servers. By using Mobile Capacity on-Demand (CoD) activation codes, the systems administrator can perform tasks without contacting IBM. With this capability, you can move resources between Power E1080 and Power E980 systems and have unsurpassed flexibility for workload balancing and system maintenance.

Note: Only two consecutive generation of Power servers are supported in the same Power Enterprise Pools 1.0; therefore, Power E1080 can be mixed with Power E980 servers only.

The supported Power Enterprise Pool 1.0 members are listed by pool type in Table 2-9.

Table 2-9 Supported Power Enterprise Pool 1.0 members by pool type

A pool can support systems with different clock speeds or processor generations.

Mobile Capacity on Demand (Mobile CoD) features the following basic rules:

Ê The Power E1080 server requires a minimum of 16 static processor activations.

Ê The Power E980 server requires a minimum of eight static processor activations.

Ê For all systems, 50% of the installed memory must have activations, and a minimum of 25% of those must be static activations.

An HMC can manage multiple IBM Power Enterprise Pools and systems that are not part of an IBM Power Enterprise Pool. Systems can belong to only one IBM Power Enterprise Pool at a time. Powering down an HMC does not limit the assigned resources of participating systems in a pool, but does limit the ability to perform pool change operations.

After an IBM Power Enterprise Pool is created, the HMC can be used to perform the following tasks:

Ê Mobile CoD processor and memory resources can be assigned to systems with inactive resources. Mobile CoD resources remain on the system to which they are assigned until they are removed from the system.

Ê New systems can be added to the pool and existing systems can be removed from the pool.

Chapter 2. Architecture and technical overview 81

Ê New Mobile CoD processor and memory resources can be added to the pool.

Ê Pool information can be viewed, including pool resource assignments, compliance, and history logs.

For the mobile activation features to be configured, an IBM Power Enterprise Pool and the systems that are going to be included as members of the pool must be registered with IBM. Also, the systems must have #EB35 for mobile enablement configured, and the required contracts must be in place.

Note: The following convention is used in the Order type column in the tables in this section:

Ê Initial: Only available when ordered as part of a new system

Ê MES: Only available as a Miscellaneous Equipment Specification (MES) upgrade

Ê Both: Available with a new system or as part of an upgrade

Ê Supported: Unavailable as a new purchase, but supported when migrated from another system or as part of a model conversion

Table 2-10 lists the mobile processor and memory activation features that are available for the Power E1080 server.

Table 2-10 Mobile activation features

a. For more information about order types, see 2.4, “Capacity on-demand” on page 76.

For more information about IBM Power Enterprise Pools, see Power Enterprise Pools on IBM Power Systems, REDP-5101.

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